Dental Implants

Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants

Feeling, functioning, and appearing just like natural teeth, Dental Implants are titanium posts placed in the jawbone of a person where teeth are missing, allowing them to smile confidently. Dental implant treatment is carried out by Dr. Shahzad Mirza who graduated from King’s College London in Restorative and Implant dentistry with an experience of ten years. Dr. Mirza has placed over 300 dental implants including Straumann, Nobel Biocare, implant swiss, and Astra UK. In our Implant dentistry team, we also have Dr. Asim Naqash who is a Maxillofacial surgeon trained abroad in Iran and Pakistan. He has successfully placed over 200 dental implants. We use the most modern diagnostic tools in implant dentistry. Moreover, we also train young dentists in the field of dental implantology. We have treated patients with the edentulous jaw to rehabilitate full mouth with success.


What Should You Know About Implants?

Dental implants comprise three components - a titanium screen that is inserted into the jawbone, a post or 'abutment' attached to the implant, and a crown that fits on the abutment to look like natural teeth. Treatment includes Implant, Custom Abutment, and Crown. Surgical procedure at Dental Aesthetics is safe, modern, and minimally invasive to provide patients with a comfortable pain-free experience. Our highly skilled implantologist will place the implant, and that will be integrated into your bone serving as a foundation close enough to a natural tooth.


Benefits Of Dental Implants 

Implants are always fixed in one place. They appear and perform just like natural teeth and fit in the jawbone precisely without slipping. In fact, they do not even need adhesives, preserve a person's facial features and help restore their natural smile. Moreover, by getting dental implants and restoring the missing teeth, the patients also avoid damaging the surrounding teeth that are healthy. On the whole, dental implants prevent the loss of jawbone in the area where teeth are missing, improve the smile of a person, and boost their confidence while lasting for a lifetime. 


Are Implants Suitable For Everyone?

Anyone can lose a tooth, several teeth, and in the worst case - all of their teeth. No matter how many teeth a person has lost, they are an ideal candidate for Dental Implants. However, there are a few medical conditions or situations in which a patient cannot get implants. Hence, to know if you are a suitable candidate for implants, it is important to book a consultation with a dentist at Dental Aesthetics. They will assess your eligibility for the treatment by performing a thorough dental checkup and then start with the treatment.


Who Is Too Old To Get Implants?

When it comes to dental implants, age is not a factor that affects treatment success. The healing of the jawbone around the dental implants happens in patients from the 6th to 10th decade of life with nearly equal success as in the patients that are younger in age. According to the dentists at Dental Aesthetics, the only thing that stands in the way of dental implant treatment success for elderly people is their medical health conditions that are discussed in the initial consultation.


Is Dental Implants Procedure Painful?

Similar to any other dental procedure, getting a dental implant treatment procedure also has some discomfort associated with it. However, most of the patients who get dental implants at our dental clinic in Lahore comment that their treatment procedure was quite minimally invasive and the discomfort duration was very short. Moreover, because the implants are placed when the patient is under anesthesia, they don't feel any pain. Post-treatment, they might feel some swelling, bruising, and pain. However, everything subsides during the period of a week, and an over-the-counter painkiller can easily reduce the pain. In case the pain is abnormal, one can always consult the dentists at Dental Aesthetics.